Lectures & Workshops for Educators

Superior professional development integrating theory and practice.

Enough As She Is: How to Help Girls Move Beyond Impossible Standards of Success to Lead Healthy, Happy, and Fulfilling LIves

Participants are briefed on gender differences in adolescent psychology, how cultural messages are amplifying the phenomenon of “effortless perfection” in youth, and the critical skills girls need to for resilience and wellness as learners.

Teaching Resilient Teens: Strategies to Help Students Resist Perfectionism, Manage Self-Criticism & Talk Back to Toxic College Pressure

Teens have never been more successful, yet they’ve also never struggled more with anxiety, stress and depression. In this talk, Rachel translates the toxic messages about achievement that young adults have internalized, and teaches educators the tools to help young people practice self-compassion, redefine success, pursue purpose, and—most importantly—let them know they are enough as they are.

Best Friends, Worst Enemies, and Everything in Between

Learn the causes and forms of psychological aggression, including online, along with strategies to reduce existing levels of aggression and intervene during acute bullying situations.

Breaking the Curse of the Good Girl

Learn how the pressure to be the “good girl” limits girls’ development as learners, and get strategies to help girls speak up, take risks, manage conflict, accept constructive feedback, and stop using self-defeating language in the classroom.

Rachel in Action

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